Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2007


Every morning I was expecting the newspaper to come because I was waiting greedily to read an ad that gave me some information about my relative who I didn’t know. Some years ago my parents told me that I had been born as a twin but my sister had been stolen immediately after our birth. What a shock for my parents. The police had been involved but without any results. Years went over. I felt lonely and sometimes I was captured in a big cave of sadness. I could never explain my feelings but I was missing something. In spite of that the hope still remained to find my second half.
That’s why I studied page by page very carefully. Stop! This headline seemed to be quite striking.
“Money makes people silent! Bride was fooled by her fiancé.”
The photo belonging to this article showed a couple and I could hardly believe my eyes. The bride looked exactly like me and she had the same birthmark on the same spot on her face. Unbelievable. Identically. The only difference was her dark hair.

Some minutes later I packed my suitcase and also took my photoalbum with me. A taxi brought me to the station and I went to Little Hampton by train. What a strange situation and what a strong desire. How would my sister react? Would she accept me?

After an hours journey I arrived and straightaway went to the kiosk nearby. A group of elderly women were putting their heads together, whispering, laughing, chatting and many “ahas” and “ohos” could be heard. I touched one on her shoulder showed her the couple’s photo and formed my question. Silence followed and astonished faces turned towards me. “Excuse me, could you please tell me where this woman lives and do you know her address?”
Silence again. Suddenly they burst out laughing.
“What a silly cow! Stupid girl. Mr. Rochester is such a softy! Typically for such a man. Rich and has an affair with the governess. The young thing believed his promises. ........But what do you want from her?”

“Mmh, well, I’m a reporter from a women’s magazine and I’d like to write an article about her.”

“Green Lane 701”, whispered one woman and immediately they put their heads together again and started chattering like crazy geese.

The nearer I came to my aim the bigger the tension was. Suddenly I stood in front of a big and luxurious house. Green Lane 701. My heart was beating extremely loud.
Step by step I walked up the stairs and pressed the call button.
Someone opened the door.
My second half!
I had the feeling to see my mirror image.
None of us said a word.
We must have been standing there for at least ten minutes or even longer. Like frozen figures. Then my feelings overwhelmed me and I embraced her. Tears followed and we both sat down on the step and started telling our stories.
It was getting dark and we were hungry.
This was the best day of my life!

2 Kommentare:

Guenter hat gesagt…

exp: the newspaper to arrive (1)
exp: an ad (eine Anzeige???)
g: that would give me some information(1)
exp: "my relative who..." --> you don't use "relative" for a sister (1)
exp: "The police had been involved but without any results." -> The police investigated the kidnapping but to no avail (= vergeblich). (2)
exp: years went by (2)
exp: "captured in a big cave of sadness" --> caught in a deep pit of sadness (2) --> "capture" is not used like this!
exp "in spite of that" - nevertheless
t: "that's why ..." (-->present tense) --> that was why / so ... (1)
exp: page after page (1)
exp: "Money makes people silent!" --> People silenced with money? (2)
g: Identical. (no adverb here!) (1)
exp: a taxi took me to ... (1) [we've just learned this!]
sp: an hour's journey
wo: I went to the nearby kiosk straightaway (2)
exp: I touched her at her shoulder, ...(1)
exp: "formed my question" --> formulated my question (but that wouldn't be said either) (2)
exp: just "Silly cow!" -> not "what a.."
exp: "such a softy" --> that wouldn't be said in this context and I believe it's a Germanism
exp/g: "Typical of ..." (2)
exp: "I had the feeling to see my mirror image." --> It was as if I was looking at ... (1)

You try hard to use good vocabulary, but unfortunately your English is quite unidiomatic for this reason. You don't enter a scene in the novel as required but add one - that's not really what you should have done.

Guenter hat gesagt…

The story should be called "Lost sister" and not "lost daughter".